If a hunter gatherer works 10
hours a day to get 5kg of meat, if that meat is then sold for 100$, then
we can say that 100$ is worth 10 hours of human labour (yes some jobs
pay more in 10 hours), the point is 100$ equals some human labour/time. A
bank that has $ 1 billion from customers’ savings in their vault could
be said of having $ 1 billion worth of human labour. However, due to
‘Fractional Reserve Banking’ that bank can issue loans up to 90% of the
real money in their vault - which technically still belongs to their
customers, they are only required to keep 10% of that 1 billion. This
creates more money (debt) in circulation since the banks customers still
have the claim over that $ 1 billion despite the borrowers have taken
900 million from that bank and already used up that money to buy cars,
houses, etc. That creates Multiplier effect since the car and house
sellers now received 900 million, if that money goes to Bank B and this
bank repeats the same process as the fist bank, the money will keep
multiplying itself as new loans and credits are being generated. It will
be fine as long as the savers can withdraw their money (bank not
running out of cash) and the borrowers can pay back their loans, failure
on one of these will cause crisis. Bail outs from central banks to
cover failing banks allow the overflow of money into the market go
unpunished. This causes products prices to increase and the value of
money decreases - hence the value of human labour/time also diminishes.
When banks print money, they literally robbed away your lifetime’s work
and labour because your work is denominated in their fiat currency. The
real currency is Time. Cryptocurrency - as long as it is secure is free
from this problem. Making it probably the best means of exchange. Since
no central authority could produce BTC or ETH for free. Crypto’s
security relies on ‘Trapdoor Functions’ and bits mixers like SHA256,
ETHASH, PROGPOW, etc. That will take all computers on Earth combined
millions of years to brute force attack. Or is it? We’ll see…
Digital Signature: Bagaimana Private Key diverifikasi Bitcoin Network tanpa membeberkan Private Key tersebut.
Untuk Membahas topik ini sebaiknya anda memahami dulu apa itu Private Key dan Public Key dalam ECDSA. Itu sudah saya bahas cukup jelas disini. Digital Signature (tanda tangan digital) memiliki dua bagian: 1. Bagian acak. 2. Bagian Signature. Ini terdiri dari Private Key + Data transaksi yang sedang kita buat tanda tangan digitalnya. Bagian acak Mulailah dengan menghasilkan sebuah angka acak . Kemudian kalikan angka ini dengan titik generator pada kurva eliptik (titik generator yang sama digunakan saat membuat kunci publik di ECDSA). Titik generator selalu sama pada setiap operasi ECDSA bitcoin. Bagian acak dari tanda tangan digital adalah titik pada kurva yang didapatkan diatas. Tapi kita ambil koordinat x-nya saja, ini kita sebut sebagai (r) : Ini pada dasarnya sama dengan membuat kunci privat dan kunci publik. Tapi di sini kami melakukannya untuk menambahkan elemen acak ke tanda tangan digital kami. Angka acak itu bisa didapat dari sumber entropi yang bermacam-macam d...
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