BUILDING TIME LAPSE: PHOTOS: This is the first time I build a mining rig, never built a PC before, quite an exhausting and expensive project, this will generate about 0.0238 eth per day. Bearing in mind that in crypto, price always changes dramatically up or down and there is always some technical challenges along the road. I learned a lot of stuff during this project, days of sleepless nights, and will learn a lot more going forward. GPUs: 3 x AMD RX 5700 XT 1 x NVIDIA RTX 3060 Ti 2 X NVIDIA RTX 3070 Hardware: Motherboard: Asus B250 Mining Expert 19 PCIE Slots PSU: Andyson 1780 Watt CPU: Intel Celeron RAM: Kingston DDR4 8 GB SSD: RX7 120 GB Software: Miner: Phoenixminer 5.5c Mining pool: Windows 10 Overclock Setting: rx5700xt: PL: 0 Core: 1301 Mem: 1800 Fan: Auto (modded bios using red bios editor and set with amd driver and msi afterburner) hashrate 55mh/s rtx3060ti and rtx3070: PL: 65 Core: 100 Mem: 1200 Fan: Au...